
DAG.chickering_sequence(imap, verbose=False)[source]

Return a Chickering sequence from this DAG to an I-MAP imap.

A Chickering sequence from DAG D1 to a DAG D2 is a sequence of DAGs starting at D1 and ending at D2, with consecutive DAGs differing by a single edge reversal or edge deletion, such that each DAG is an IMAP of D1.

See Chickering, David Maxwell. “Optimal structure identification with greedy search.” (2002) for more details.


imap (DAG) – The I-MAP of this DAG at which the Chickering sequence will end.


>>> from graphical_models import DAG
>>> d1 = DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)})
>>> d2 = DAG(arcs={(2, 0), (2, 1), (1, 0)})
>>> sequence, moves = d1.chickering_sequence(d2)
>>> sequence[1].arcs
{(1, 0), (1, 2)}
>>> sequence[2].arcs
{(1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0)}
>>> moves
    {'sink': 0, 'move': 6, 'd': 2},
    {'sink': 0, 'move': 4},
    {'sink': 1, 'move': 6, 'd': 2}